Stories + Live Painting + Live Music + Conversation
An immersive performance and multi-sensory experience where everyone’s story is part of the picture.
The One Truthiness addresses the lenses that shape how we see each other, eventually shining light on how we see ourselves.
While focusing on a live painting of illuminated wax on glass, the audience reads aloud to each other from a compiled text, listening and embodying real-life observations and experiences of community and confrontation.
Private thoughts are brought anonymously into a public discussion, so that the truths can be experienced, spoken, and explored without putting anyone individually on the spot in a vulnerable situation.
Trust comes from being “storied” without your having to initiate. In the brave space afterwards, you are invited to engage and respond, disagree and correct, connect and conflict, comparing perceptions of the performance, the painting, and the world, adding your truths and your words in your own voice.
“Moment after moment, you literally see yet another perspective that changes everything you think you know.
It’s sorcery.”
With beauty, simplicity, and surprise, the audience is drawn into an experience that sneaks beneath their judging mind.
Without demanding people be vulnerable, The One Truthiness invites them in, offering stories that reflect people’s conflicting realities without their having to initiate and modeling how, when trust is earned, people consider deeper levels of complexity.
The One Truthiness creates a space for people with diverse backgrounds to experience themselves as parts of a larger community, making room for difference, and setting the stage to transform conflict into cohesion, safe space into brave space.
What people say
“It leaves a person speechless, reflective, and transformed.”
“Richly disturbing and affirming, delightfully complex, challenging, transformative, powerful art. Art on a scale grander than imagination.”
“In the midst of a complex and challenging societal discourse, it clears a space to look at the dialogue from a new and illuminating perspective.”
“A relief. A breath of air. A healing, meaningful experience.”
“It was thought-provoking, and now I am not sure what to do about those thoughts.”
“Inciteful. It hurts yet is so inspiring. It made me feel less alone.”
“My family talked about it all weekend. It changed how I interact with people when I see them on the street.”