Cohesive community
It’s you OR me.
It’s you AND me.
The One Truthiness is committed to peace, pluralism, and respect.
The One Truthiness believes we can not solve problems if we don’t believe other people — community requires trust.
The One Truthiness illuminates our reflex towards adversarial paradigms and advocates transformation towards mutuality.
The One Truthiness lays the groundwork for diversity, equity, and inclusion — making space for everyone in the room.
The One Truthiness doesn’t just try to amplify marginalized voices. It tries to see all the voices in a community at once — to take on complexity. The unique implementation of art and theater gives participants an emotional and physical experience of empathy, introduces them to perspectives outside their own, and in doing so, combats the increasing divisiveness of our current political climate and strengthen political and social movements that support all the members of a community.
Each new project starts with finding local partners who want to improve connection and collaboration in their community. Whether it is a town, a company, or an organization, we seek to work with people already active in the community — expert facilitators, local musicians, and people in each local context to tell the story of THAT community. The One Truthiness is a tool to support local efforts to bridge difference and conflict.
Local organizations have the power to follow-through with post-show workshops and the formation of local action collectives. Tell us how “The One Truthiness” can be a part of your existing work.
However your community is defined, The One Truthiness has a place for you.
“I am taller walking out — a tiny bit more open, a bit more bold, very encouraged, and ever pragmatically optimistic.”